Getting started

Most people feel a little nervous before their first session. These feelings are quite normal because you are going to meet somebody that you don’t know and you are going to talk about something that may be troubling and upsetting to you. Please try to remember that I am on your side. I am here to help you and I am honored to hear what you have to say. Your first session is often a big step and most people discover that it is much easier than they had imagined.

In each session there is no rush or pressure to divulge every intimate detail of your life. You can tell me as much as you can about your situation at your pace. I will not rush you or push you to talk about things you aren’t ready to talk about. This is your space so you can take as much time as you need.


People often ask if they need to do anything before their first appointment but prior preparation is not necessary. However, I will ask you to complete an intake form and that’s it. During the first session you will be asked what prompted you to seek therapy and what you would like to gain from your sessions. As you would expect, I will ask (many) questions to try to understand to the best extent what has led you to your current situation. You are also free to ask me any questions you may have as well.

If you are coming for couples therapy you will be asked to complete a couples questionnaire. You will both be asked to describe how you understand the situation and what you would like to change.

In the first couples session it can sometimes be a little difficult to hear your partner describe things from their perspective as they may see it quite differently from you. You may be tempted to interrupt and disagree or correct how your partner perceives things. This is quite normal and I will make sure that you both get a chance to talk as I want to hear both sides of your story.

Results may vary and will to an extent depend on you and what you want to achieve and the commitment you make in the process. However, most people get some sort of relief and feel better for having spoken about their challenges. You might feel that a long-held burden has been lifted helping you feel better equipped to face life's challenges.

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